It's a sad fact that some people's idea of fun is to destroy information on your computer. Like vandals, they get their kicks by breaking things - in this case your computer. To help keep you up to date with the latest news about viruses, sophos a well-known producer of anti-virus software. Ginoside has no affilation with Sophos, I just want share this very useful information as a public service. There is usually a 10-12 second delay while the latest news reports are gathered. News is available on : -
- the atest alerts - recently discovered viruses, which your current anti-virus software may not yet detect (so upgrade it now!)
- the top ten most common viruses, the ones that you definately must ensure your current anti-virus software can detect
- virus hoaxes - those annoying email "warnings" that encourage you to pass on worthless information to all your friends, thus filling their email box with lots of identical messages, all equally worthless.
Latest 10 virus alerts Top 10 viruses in Dec. 2010 Top 10 virus hoaxes
14 Jan Troj/Ctfmon-A 1 Troj/Invo-Zip 1 Hotmail hoax
14 Jan Troj/QbotArc-C 2 W32/Netsky 2 Budweiser frogs
14 Jan Troj/PDFJs-PH 3 Mal/EncPk-EI 3 Bonsai kitten
14 Jan Troj/Banloa-GY 4 Troj/Pushdo-Gen 4 Olympic torch
14 Jan Troj/PDFJs-PN 5 Troj/Agent-HFU 5 MSN is closing down
14 Jan W32/Bloat-A 6 Mal/Iframe-E 6 A virtual card for you
14 Jan Troj/BHO-SE 7 Troj/Mdrop-BTV 7 Meninas da Playboy
14 Jan Troj/Patched-AA 8 Troj/Mdrop-BUF 8 Bill Gates fortune
14 Jan Troj/QBotConf-A 9 Troj/Agent-HFZ 9 JDBGMGR
14 Jan Troj/FakeAV-CLF 10 Troj/Agent-HGT 10 Justice for Jamie
Source: Sophos Anti-Virus
note: Click on any of the above links and a new window opens to Sophos's own Information Site. Simply close that window to return to this blog .
I recommends that everyone uses a reliable virus scanner on a regular basis, usually via the software's automatic scheduling options. The software should be updated at regular intervals over the Internet (licenced copies usually include this free of charge). Ginoside does not sell anti-virus software, but we can advise our clients on its purchase and assist with installation and set-up.
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